Lundellia Number 2



Taxonomy and phylogeny of a Gulf Coast Disjunct Group of Spigelia (Loganiaceae sensu lato) by Katherine R. Gould & Robert K. Jansen

A revision of Hoffmannseggia (Fabaceae) in North America by Beryl B. Simpson

Studies in the genus Dyschoriste (Acanthaceae): I. Plants of northern Mexico, Texas to Arizona by James Henrickson

A taxonomic treatment of Sida sect. Ellipticifoliae by S. J. Siedo

Sterculia xolocotzii (Sterculiaceae), a new species of rain forest canopy tree from the Isthmus of Tehuantepec, Mexico by Tom Wendt & Elizabeth L. Taylor

A new species of Tintinnabularia (Apocynaceae, Apocynoideae) from Honduras, with taxonomic notes by J. K. Williams

Heterocentron chimalapanum (Melastomataceae): a new species from Oaxaca, Mexico by Carol A. Todzia

Warnock’s Law - A tribute by Rogers McVaugh