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Klaus Kalthoff
Professor, CDB


Klaus Kalthoff

Karishma Kaushik
Graduate Student

Timothy Keitt
Associate Professor


My research addresses broadly the structure and dynamics of ecological systems. The major question of my research program is how can we use modeling to scale-up microecological mechanisms related to ... Timothy Keitt

Jonghwan Kim
Assistant Professor in Molecular Cell and Developmental Biology


Defining the molecular mechanisms maintaining stemness - self-renewal and pluripotency - of Embryonic stem (ES) cells, as well as induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells is of great interest for ... Jonghwan Kim

Mark A. Kirkpatrick


How does evolution generate the fantastic diversity we see in nature? Our lab studies this question from a genetic perspective. My work uses mathematical models and develops statistical tools to ... Mark A. Kirkpatrick

Robert Krug
Chair, Molecular Genetics and Microbiology,
Lorene Morrow Kelley Fellow In Microbiology


The major focus of the Krug laboratory is the molecular biology of human influenza viruses (influenza A and B viruses), which cause widespread human disease. We are determining the molecular ... Robert Krug

Pawan Kumar




Bio Sci students